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Why Ray Lewis Is Just Too Much Stuck
Posted on February 2, 2013 at 12:33 PM.

I have an interesting perspective on this entire subject. First, at my other job (a radio station in DC) I got to hear callers talking about this subject all the time. Second, as I mentioned, I'm in DC and we have a ton of fans of Baltimore who listen to our station.

I also want to point out that I'm not attacking Ray Lewis' religious beliefs, we are all entitled to our own opinions on religion, but we are all also not entitled to hear about yours and when it is convenient for you. Most importantly, however, I am separating Ray Lewis the football player (first ballot hall of famer) and Ray Lewis the man (see below).

Okay let's get started, first and foremost, the religious talk that comes from Ray Lewis is enough to drive even some of the most religious people against him. A pastor even went as far to say that it was sacrilegious what he was saying.

"No weapon formed against me shall prosper" - Ray Lewis

This is a conversation we aren't having enough as a nation, and as a spiritual society. God doesn't care about the outcomes of sporting events. I know this to be a fact, and I know this because there are literally a million things more important in the universe than this. 26% of Americans, according to Sports Illustrated, believe that God has influence over their team. He doesn't. If he did, your favorite player getting hurt would be on you and your fellow fans for not being religious enough, rather than his knee buckling after taking a nasty hit.

Also, the use of religious quotes and text comes most when it comes to questions Ray Lewis doesn't want to answer.

“I tell [teammates] all the time: ‘Don’t let people from the outside ever try to disturb what’s inside.’ That’s the trick of the devil. The trick of the devil is to kill, steal and destroy. That’s what he comes to do. He comes to distract you from everything you’re trying to do.” - Ray Lewis on deer antler allegation.

We all know the greatest trick the devil ever played was to convince the world he didn't exist. In all seriousness, the way Lewis dismisses the question and reverts back to his religion is more of a crutch than anything at this point, and it is the perfect one, because in reality no one can question his religious beliefs. However, like I pointed out, I'm not questioning those, rather his motives to use them at opportune times. Basically, he insinuated that investigative journalism was a work of the devil, and played the victim here. It's a cheap cop out, but it's the perfect cheap cop out -- to that I have to give him credit.

We also know Ray Lewis has never met a camera he cannot cry, dance or exhibit the full spectrum of human emotions in front of. The crying and dancing shtick has gotten tired, but it is all his, and the people of Baltimore love him for that. However, I think we can all agree that a reasonable debate can be had here.

That's been the biggest problem I've noticed, it can't. Baltimore fans, especially when it comes from people in Washington, get extremely defensive. As if you can't say a negative word about Ray Lewis. Again, no one is questioning his talent on the field or what his leadership has meant to this franchise over the past 17 years. But let's be clear, Saturday Night Live doesn't just impersonate someone for nothing. They did it because he's become a caricature of himself.

That, I think, is the most important part of all this. He's become so over-the-top in recent years it is just too much for people, like myself, to handle. God forbid you bring up that fateful night in Atlanta. Or even mention the deer antlers, like Matt did here. To be fair, everyone I've talked to who has tried the deer antler extract has said it's a boost of male performance, in THAT way. Maybe it aides in recovery, or maybe it just cures stage fright, I don't know (but I might try and find out, stay tuned for that update).

This isn't about that night in Atlanta, although I do wonder what happened to the white suit like everyone else. This isn't about the deer antler extract, although that certainly isn't helping. It also isn't about his play on the field, although one could argue his stats are inflated by jumping on piles.

No, this is simply because Ray Lewis has become too much for me, and many others, to take.

Are you tired of Ray Lewis and him dominating the Super Bowl coverage, or not? Sound off in the comments below. Also, hit me up on twitter: @BrendanDarr
# 31 Bulls321974 @ Feb 4
Let him cry. One day he will get an entry in the "Guinness Book of Records" for most tears shed by a single pro sportsman...
# 32 Jadakiss88 @ Feb 4
When you are accused of Murder, people don't understand you or the position you hav been placed in, and it seems like everything is going right for you people are going to find something wrong.

Case and point Tim Tebow. What has he done that no other player has done? Oh that's right keep a positive attitude and stay upbeat even in tough times. Oh and Thank God whenever he feels the need. So what's the problem? That's it there isn't one. No one is saying Tebow is perfect but damn this is what sports fan cried for during the Ocho, TO, Pacman, Tank Johnson years of the NFL. All you ever heard was negative sometime borderline racist, sometime flat out disrespectful and uncalled for comments about the guys that had the worst attitudes and character in the league.

At this point we all know Ray is no saint and is far from perfect but he understands there are kids that look up to him as a football player and since the parent are too lazy to do their jobs alot of them look at their off the field actions as well. Ray Lewis is a motivator, he's passionate about Football, he's passionate about his team and coaches, he's passionate about his fans and wants people to remember him for the good he has done (Which is why you can't say much to Ravens fan or B'more Natives because he has done alot of good there.)

It amazes me when someone like Tebow or Lewis bring up God or their strong beliefs and people want to crucify them, "Oh he's throwing his Religion in our face!!" But when someone professes their love for God, atheist throw there beliefs in everyone's face (well the new atheist not the mature one's).

If our rights are SO important (1st and 2nd Amendments mostly) shouldn't the Freedom of Religion be in there as well. I wonder if a Satanist played sports what would all of you say then?
# 33 Hootiefish @ Feb 4
I can't take credit for this, as I saw the comment on Deadspin. It made me laugh.

Ray Lewis: "ESPN has been gracious enough to make a home for both Ray Lewis and Ray Lewis' ego. Unfortunately this will require firing all other analysts, because this is Ray Lewis and God's time for the stage. Praise Jesus. Ray Lewis."
# 34 Jarbeez @ Feb 4
I remember reading in the bible that God is impartial. So my question from the religious aspect of this conversation, why would God get involved in something as trivial as the outcome of a Superbowl game that will have some kind of an impact on 100's if not 1000's of lives in some different way? How could he care about that and remain impartial?
# 35 Jarbeez @ Feb 4
To the point of the "debate", I agree for a tough guy football player Ray seems to go way out of his way to make sure everyone knows how emotional and religious he is. The religious part I don't have a problem with, but I don't see how you can be involved in a brutal game like football and really be that overboard emotionally.

Maybe he made a deal with the devil? What was the movie with Brendan Frasier and Elizabeth Hurley, and the dude just kept weeping at the sight of the sunset....
# 36 tril @ Feb 5
@Chargeer_are_tHe Bes. you are spot on with your Tim Tebow comment.

IMO, Ray Lewis' use of God' name is in vain. He does not seem genuine to me. Not a fan of his at all. Great football player though.
Maybe he is thankful to God cause he dodged a life sentence 13 years ago. He got a second chance and took full advantage of it. WE were able to watch him mature as a person, become a roductive citizen; but because of a sketchy past, there will always be doubts about him being a genuine person.
# 37 tril @ Feb 5
@JOhnny G83. I agree with you on your assessment.
# 38 Computalover @ Feb 5
ever since the 2000 superbowl, the baltimore ravens were the redup -headed stepchild of the nfl. never respected, always up against it.. always the underdog. From the way the browns moved here, to Art Modell being constantly shunned.. to never getting the respect their play on the field deserves. case in point. during not only the playoffs, but for the entire season, the announcers on CBS sports talked about the ravens minimally.. the Colts game.. Andrew luck was GOD.. Broncos game Peyton Manning was GOD.. patriots game.. Tom Brady was GOD... even the refs reacted differently to the ravens in many games, Suggs grazed brady's helmet .. foul.. Flacco has helmet knocked off.. no flag. brady kung fu slide.. no foul.. Ed Reed clean hits.. defenseless foul.. pitta is clocked over the middle.. no foul.. Ray Lewis has epitomized the MLB position for 17 years.. and he deserves his final run.. we heard so much about RGIII this and RGIII that.. and i got tired of that.. especially up here in baltimore.. but i dont hate on it.. sound advice folks..
# 39 kbomb1upc @ Feb 5
I read all the comments and I'm a little amazed at the comments saying that God doesn't care about the Super Bowl. In the Bible in Matthew 10:30 it's says that God even knows number of hairs of your head so why wouldn't he care about a sport that you've devoted your whole life for. The very event you constantly dreamed about when you were a kid. People, God wants to be apart of everything you do, so those comments about him not caring are inaccurate.

Also I laughed out loud when the writer wrote the line that the greatest trick the devil did was to convince his he doesn't exist. You quoted it as if it came from the bible but it doesn't. It's a line from the movie The Usual Supects. Your real issue isn't with Ray Lewis it's with Religion. Just tell the truth, you are tried of hearing all of the religious talk not Ray Lewis. He is a great motivator of men. He has the respect of the entire NFL. He's far from a prefect man, which is not required to believe in Jesus, but he's a man that speaks his mind no matter what everyone else would say.
# 40 Brendan Darr @ Feb 5
@kbomb1upc -- You're an idiot. I respect that you were the first person to get that it was a line from The Usual Suspects, but it's why I IMMEDIATELY followed that up with "In all seriousness..." specifically because I was quoting a movie.

You also missed the point of mentioning God and the Super Bowl. He doesn't care about the outcome and not taking sides. Sort of like when Ray Lewis says "When God is for you, who could be against you?" as if San Francisco's players/city/fans didn't pray hard enough.

I don't have a problem with religion, I have a problem with people exploiting it for their own personal gain like Lewis is doing.
# 41 Hootiefish @ Feb 5
Actually, you are both wrong. The quote is originally attributed to 19th century French poet Charles Baudelaire. But I digress.

kbomb1upc tell me, if God cares about the Super Bowl, does he root for anyone to win? I mean, I would venture to guess that there are believers on both sides of the ball. Does the side with the most believers win? Or the Godliest city? If so, I've been to Baltimore, and if SF is Sodom, Bodymore is definitely Gommorah.
# 42 kbomb1upc @ Feb 5

I didn't realize we were dropping the level of the conversation to name calling. I won't continue in that same spirit but you are flawed in some of your logic. Praying hard doesn't get you want you want. Rays know that but what he is refereeing to is when God has something for you, when God has predestined some for you, there's nothing anyone can do to take it away. That's what is meant by his comments. He is a man that speaks with faith. None of his acts are monstrous or negitive (unless you fine talking about religion offensive) but people put him down as if he's one of the crazy players beating their wife or getting DUI's People are putting cameras and mics in his face, so he talks. Don't see a problem with that.
# 43 tril @ Feb 5
thats a good interpretation, but Ray also said that God wouldnt have anything planned for someone that does evil acts. Just, because Ray may have not stabbed those indiviudlas doesnt mean he wasnt part of the evils going on that night. So why would God bestow all these "blessings" on him?.
I think folks dont like RAy because he has a sketchy past, and that teh NFL and the media up until the superbowl GAve him a pass. ANd when they finally do bring it up. Its sugar coated, and what make its so reprehensible is that he answers are in vain by mentioning GOD. He isnt humble, and when he brings up God its doesnt sound liek he's submitting to GOD in all his glory. He aint genuine.
# 44 Hootiefish @ Feb 5
"None of his acts are monstrous or negitive" (sic)

At best, the man lied to the cops regarding a double homicide, then settled out of court with the families of the deceased. Again, that's best case scenario.

At worst, he was an accomplice in the murders of two people. If that's not monstrous, I don't know what is.
# 45 inkcil @ Feb 5, your post #46 is RIGHT on target...but don't expect people who don't believe in the God of the Bible to agree with us.
@Hootie...Superbowl is no different from anything else...God has a plan for people's lives and it can either include winning or losing anything at any given time, has nothing to do with "which team prayed harder." Just like if two Christian guys are applying for the same job - 2 guys, 1 position - someone is going to be disappointed. But just because guy #2 didn't get the job it doesn't mean God doesn't care about guy #2 or doesn't care who got the position.
@tril...Ray was wrong, which makes me question where he is getting his "teaching." God can use anyone and there are many many many examples in the Bible where men have sinned and God used them tremendously! So I don't know what Ray was talking about...

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